
Johannes Schmid is German Patent Attorney, authorized representative before the European Patent Office (European Patent Attorney) and authorized representative before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (European Trademark and Design Attorney). In January 2017, he has become a partner in the prestigious patent law firm Durm patent attorneys in Karlsruhe.

Before this, Johannes Schmid was employed in a big law firm in Stuttgart, where he was able to gain experience in all fields of intellectual property law. On the technical side, he was particularly involved with cases in medical technology, communication technology, general electrical engineering and mechanics. He also worked in the Patent Chamber of the Federal Court of Mannheim (Landgericht Mannheim). In addition, he spent eight months at the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) and the German Federal Patent Court (BPATG) to gain insights into the work of the German patent authorities before taking the exam for German Patent Attorneys. Parallel to his work in the patent law firm Johannes Schmid graduated in the study course “Law for Patent Attorneys” at the University of Hagen.

Prior to practising law, Johannes Schmid was a researcher at the Institute for Information Processing Technology (ITIV) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), where he received his doctorate in electrical engineering with distinction on the ad-hoc localization of people in wireless sensor networks in 2012. In this period, his main research interests were wireless sensor networks as well as communication and sensor technology. Also, he was able to work on a variety of other projects and gain experiences in various technical fields. He has authored numerous scientific publications and contributed to several patent applications. During his time at KIT, he spent several months at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, USA.

Previously, Johannes Schmid graduated from the University of Karlsruhe with a degree in industrial engineering. His majors were telematics and microsystems technology. During his studies, he spent several months abroad in Lyon (France) and Lausanne (Switzerland).

Johannes Schmid corresponds in German, English and French. He is a member of the German Chamber of Patent Attorneys (Patentanwaltskammer), the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI), the German Association for Intellectual Property and Copyright (GRUR), der Association of Intellectual Property Experts (VPP), des Federal Association of German Patent Attorneys (BDPA) and the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi). Further, he is a member of the epi’s editorial committee.